As our kings' gift of democracy starts taking roots through their sheer hard work and guidance, we must not fail our part in making the right decisions from beginning only.
The experiences that we have gained from the only last five years of democracy must be tapped in when we choose the party to govern us for the next five years. The election for the parliament in 2013 will be a big opportunity and one of the most important occasions in the country. Being landlocked between two giants of the world, every move we make must be precarious and diligent that we can continue to fulfill visions of monarchs. This is why the election is one of the important aspects of democracy so that majority decides who should be governing the public. This way we can fix the accountability on what they are doing.
What would be the right party to be chosen during the 2013 Election? Without a doubt, the party who can enhance the security and the sovereignty of the nation. Though pledges that can improve the livelihood of the people must be also encapsulated to the party's objectivity in keeping the country safe at all the time. If we look not even far from the region, we can see that elections are mostly treated as the tools for disintegrating the unity of the country. We must be careful about the election. Meanwhile, the electorate must not forget that each one of us has a responsibility to vote for the right party rather than viewing election is not worth to participate. In the end, this will be the grand failure on our part.
Any party coming to the power must not dare for an aberrance from the foundation built by successive monarchs. This has kept the country on the right line for more than a century. It must give efforts on how to build a system that can handle the current scenario and which will enable the country to grow from strength to strength in the future.
The party also needs capable candidates to form the government and a leader who is not only capable of leading the country internally but who has also sound knowledge of international and regional issues. I was told that our successive monarchs in the past were always aware of what is happening globally and taking necessary steps inside the country though they had less opportunity to learn how international relations work in the globe. One thing we are assured is that His Majesty the King is there to guide the country when it comes to Security and Sovereignty of the country including when there is a major decision to take in the account of external relations of the country- that has a direct impact on the country security.
Let's fulfill His Majesty's vision to have a successful democracy system by voting for the right party. Let us make a sense and wise judgment and not live under the pressure of bribe and lies of politicians.
The experiences that we have gained from the only last five years of democracy must be tapped in when we choose the party to govern us for the next five years. The election for the parliament in 2013 will be a big opportunity and one of the most important occasions in the country. Being landlocked between two giants of the world, every move we make must be precarious and diligent that we can continue to fulfill visions of monarchs. This is why the election is one of the important aspects of democracy so that majority decides who should be governing the public. This way we can fix the accountability on what they are doing.
What would be the right party to be chosen during the 2013 Election? Without a doubt, the party who can enhance the security and the sovereignty of the nation. Though pledges that can improve the livelihood of the people must be also encapsulated to the party's objectivity in keeping the country safe at all the time. If we look not even far from the region, we can see that elections are mostly treated as the tools for disintegrating the unity of the country. We must be careful about the election. Meanwhile, the electorate must not forget that each one of us has a responsibility to vote for the right party rather than viewing election is not worth to participate. In the end, this will be the grand failure on our part.
Any party coming to the power must not dare for an aberrance from the foundation built by successive monarchs. This has kept the country on the right line for more than a century. It must give efforts on how to build a system that can handle the current scenario and which will enable the country to grow from strength to strength in the future.
The party also needs capable candidates to form the government and a leader who is not only capable of leading the country internally but who has also sound knowledge of international and regional issues. I was told that our successive monarchs in the past were always aware of what is happening globally and taking necessary steps inside the country though they had less opportunity to learn how international relations work in the globe. One thing we are assured is that His Majesty the King is there to guide the country when it comes to Security and Sovereignty of the country including when there is a major decision to take in the account of external relations of the country- that has a direct impact on the country security.
Let's fulfill His Majesty's vision to have a successful democracy system by voting for the right party. Let us make a sense and wise judgment and not live under the pressure of bribe and lies of politicians.
below is abstracted from:
of Political Party
of Election Symbol
of the Party President
of Registration
07100202 |
07090101 |
130010303 |
13010704 |
Sangay Needup
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