The unwise people would think that I am trying to act smart. However, I am never being able to sit still, thinking of losing my simple contribution to the nation. It was sad to see fresh graduate with an aspiration and expectation but dwarf thief hopes by not providing the basic equipment in the office. Seeing them has given me an additional energy to persue with the management to obtain equipment. I also knew that it is within my grasp. But I was quite nerveous when concerned officials were sitting quietly. I believe some are paid to do this job. They must take this responsible in guiding the energetic and fresh officer by listening to the new ideas and the expectations instead of giving ridiculous thoughts of rejection. This has become culture and custom of narrow minded people in the office. If this ever continues in important system like civil service- the nation’s backbone, the preparedness of shouldering responsibilities of country’s future seems waving away from the hand of younger generation. I am afraid that some still lives in Old Stone Age and never opened up the eye to this IT Age.
I personally and always believe that computer is the gateway for continuous learning and one of the most essential weapons to grow wiser and develop capacity of individual to enhance their career. It provides me concrete confidence in shouldering responsibilities in this IT world. Hope I have justified enough in getting it. Thanks for the support rendered by each one of you in getting laptop. I shall always make best use of it.
acessories received with notebook |
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