Monday, April 29, 2013

Positive Energy from Humble Prince

When on a visit to the city of Hyderabad, His Royal Highness Prince Jigyel Ugyen Wangchuck of Bhutan, talks to TOI about life as royalty in one of the world's happiest countries
Being a good human being; surrounding yourself with positive energy; being honest to yourself — these are not things you expect your average 29-year-old to harp on when you ask him about his life. But then again, His Royal Highness Prince Jigyel Ugyen Wangchuck is not just any 29-year-old. Popularly referred to as the crown prince and heir presumptive to the throne of Bhutan, Jigyel Ugyen, is a scion of royal stock, living the life of true blue royalty in the 21st century world. But the young prince, though fiercely patriotic about his country and proud of his lineage, dismisses these 'titles' given by "the Western media" as misnomers.
"I am aware that on Wikipedia and in many articles in the media, I am referred to as the crown prince of Bhutan. That's something I find very disturbing. It's a very western concept; I never look at it that way. I happen to be second eldest son, and by that logic, I may be the next one eligible to become king. But we Bhutanese are a very traditional people. Our King is supreme, so this idea of 'crown prince' is not something that even crosses my mind," says the soft-spoken prince, as he sets the tone for a candid conversation punctuated with funny anecdotes and insightful revelations of his life as royalty in his quaint country.
Bhutan's reverence for the throne and the crown is reflected in the way Prince Jigyel says, 'His Majesty, the Fifth King of Bhutan', every time he mentions his elder brother, Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck, the ruling monarch of the Himalayan Kingdom. Ask him if his relationship with the King, his brother, is always this formal, and the Prince takes a moment to collect his thoughts. "I will try to explain this the best way I can...," he begins.
"I am a very patriotic, traditional person. For me, His Majesty, is my King first and then brother. So if he walks in right now, I will stand up. I will bow when I speak to him... That said, His Majesty is humble and down to earth, and that makes it possible for me to share a joke with him, or perhaps, enjoy a game of basketball or football. It's another thing that he is very busy since he takes care of the whole country... We do not get to spend too much time together."
So what is it like to be a prince in the last Himalayan Kingdom? On one hand, he admits he is a young modern man who "loves sports, plays the guitar" and "doesn't like protocol too much" while on the other, he tours the world as a representative of His Majesty, the King of Bhutan, and President of the Bhutan Olympic Committee. "It can get challenging at times because you are always under the microscope. Whatever you do, whatever you say is being looked upon very closely and judged. But if you be yourself, be a good human being and have positive energy around you, I think everything just falls into place. It's only when you try too hard that it becomes harder," he says, in a Zen-like manner, that almost belies his age. Ask him if it has anything to do with the Bhutanese way of life and its Buddhist principles, and he laughs. "I get that a lot," he quips.
He may have been born a prince, but he likes to believe he's had a pretty normal upbringing as a child. "His Majesty, the fourth King of Bhutan, my father, always taught us that the King is the servant of the people, and not the other way round. In fact, we went to private school only upto a certain age, after which all of us siblings were put in the public school where we studied like any other child in Bhutan. There have been times I got ragged and bullied around by other boys. Why, I even had to fight with guys over the same girls. I was a chubby child, so I never had too much luck in that department," he says, flashing an affable smile.
As a teenager too, Prince Jigyel has had experiences that were life changing by his own admission. At 19, he abandoned his politics and history degree in Oxford to fly back to Bhutan and join the militia for military operations against separatists, without the knowledge of his parents. "I was just out of high school, so I was very idealistic and patriotic. When I realised the situation at home, I did what I did, not as a prince, but as a patriot of Bhutan. I knew if I asked my parents' permission, the answer would be big 'no'. So I joined the militia without their knowledge initially. In retrospect, that's one of the best decisions I made because what I saw and the experiences I went through made me a very different person," says Prince Jigyel, before excusing himself from elaborating any further. He went back to Oxford after that and completed his education before returning home to resume royal duties.
Though his stint in the military operations made international headlines, Bhutan's royal family has maintained a rather low profile until recently when Bhutan got noticed and placed on the global map, admits Prince Jigyel. Curiously, he has met many people around the world who've had no clue about Bhutan until they got a chance to interact with him. "It's funny sometimes. When I was in high school in the USA, I'd tell people I am from 'Bhutan', and they'd ask me, 'Where is that? Is it somewhere in Africa.' And I'd say, 'Do I look like an African to you? (laughs). Even in Oxford, my political science professor, didn't know where Bhutan was."
Back home though, that kind of anonymity is something that he cannot even dream of. "It has always been my childhood fantasy to be able to walk on the streets of Bhutan like a common man, without being recognised," he says. And has he ever played out this fantasy? "Oh, several times! I tried many disguises — Japanese tourist, a military soldier, a Buddhist monk. But unfortunately, I've gotten caught every single time! And once that happens, it's embarrassing. First, people are shocked. But then they start looking and pointing at you, and I have to run,' he quips.
Internationally too, things are fast changing for Bhutan, which is no longer an isolated little nation in the Himalayas. A colourful coronation ceremony in 2008 which crowned the 28-year-old Oxford graduate Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuk as the King of Bhutan, made global headlines. Later in 2011, the royal wedding of the King to Pema Jetsun, a commoner, captured the imagination of the whole world and was touted to be largest media event in the history of the country. And Bhutan's inclusion in the Olympic family too has turned things around, says Prince Jigyel. "Now, everywhere I go, people recognise me. Especially when I'm dressed in the national attire, wearing the traditional colourful shoes, people just want to walk up to me and talk about my culture. And now, after joining the Olympic family, there is so much more exposure. Members of representative countries from all over the world are so curious and so interested in our kingdom, our people, the whole idea of constitutional monarchy and parliamentary democracy, the concept of Gross National Happiness...," he says.
Elaborating on the very fascinating 'Gross National Happiness' concept that Bhutan uses to measure national prosperity, Prince Jigyel says, "I believe that measuring the happiness index of people is a more sensible, wholesome way of deciding how prosperous a country is. Happiness is a relative term, and it's not like we have cracked a code as such, to remain happy forever. But there are four pillars of happiness that we work on and constant research is being done to figure out if there is a way we can present this whole concept mathematically. But I can tell you from experience that it's not monetary welfare alone that matters. I have met poor farmers on my regular visits to the countrysides of rural Bhutan, where material wealth may not be much. Yet, I have found that some of them are far more happier than some of the billionaires I have met across the world."
And where does he figure on the happiness scale? "Well, I'd like to think I am a relatively happy person," he quips. "Every day is not the same, and emotions are varied in human beings. But on the whole, I am happy when I can be myself. And as long as you are true to yourself, that's not too hard to achieve."
When he is not pursuing and perfecting the art of happiness, which seems like a national obsession with the Bhutanese, Prince Jigyel is busy putting Bhutan on the global map — be it by his numerous visits to nations around the world, or his active participation in sports; even as he enthusiastically paves a way for Bhutan to better its representation in sports internationally. In fact, it's his skill in competitive shooting, that got him all the way to Hyderabad as the Chief Guest at the 56th National Shooting Championship organised by the National Rifle Association. "I was fortunate to have been invited here not just as the Chief Guest, but more importantly as a participant, because that's when you really get to see and experience the real action. That's more important that what you do sitting in the back-end office, " says the modest Prince, who believes in leading by example. "I got to meet to a lot of wonderful people, not just the athletes, but also the coaches and the various members of the AP Rifle Association. It was wonderfully organised and many ideas came to me during this stint in Hyderabad. I will be taking back many of them. In fact, it was here in Hyderabad that we hit upon the idea of having an annual shooting competition between India and Bhutan. It will be open to Armed Forces and there will be an open category as well. We are thinking of taking this sport very seriously in Bhutan because I personally think it is a sport we can excel in," he says.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Newly elected National Council members in 2013

20 Elected NC Member on 23.04.2013

On 24th April 2013, people of the tiny Himalayan Kingdom- considered as a last Shangrila voted for the second National Council Election- House of Review. Every Bhutanese Citizen above aged 25 years, holding regular class room participated Bachelor Degree Certificate can contest for the National Council's seat through procedures mandated in the Election Act and the Constitution. The election process of the National Council member starts with candidates nominating at the Chiwog level and then  at the Gewog level. Gewogs can have only candidate each contesting in the election. The highest vote secured in Dzongkhag level election wins the seat of the National Council which 20 members will be elected as Member of Parliaments for the National Council. As per the constitution, His Majesty the King will appoint five eminent members. There will be twenty five Member of Parliament in the National Council. 
The first five year term of  the 'First Elected National Council' ends on 28th April 2013 and the new Member of Parliaments will take their office from the 29th April 2013. Four Members  decided against re-contesting for the election. All other sixteen members headed to their own districts to re-contest.  Fortunately (un), only six members were re-elected . Two of them won as an uncontested election (Single candidate from Trashigang and Dagana Dzongkhag). 

NC Member Elected from my district
I would like to submit my deepest and sincere heartfelt Tashi Delek to all the members elected during the second election. It is our sincere wish that the prospects from a new sets of members would bring new ideas within the mandate of constitution for continued peace and  happiness to the country. Our trust on to new Hon’ble Members in taking democracy to new heights through your earnest hearing to people’s voice. 

Please do not disappointment us by discussing your perks in the first sitting of the house. We would also like to remind you all not to forget the voters and your commitments to the voters during the campaign. Good luck la!

(Views expressed are personal and doesn't reflect any individual or institution's satnd including organization i work. No lines will be quoted unless permission is granted by author.)

Monday, April 1, 2013


Every Bhutanese must reflect and contemplate and segregate the difference between the two systems i.e. prior to and after 2008. The nation and its people are enjoying peace of sunshine under the lone and tireless efforts of our visionary monarchs who built the nation meticulously to what it is today. The successive monarchs' in bringing change to the system such abolishment of Serfdom, showing a way to modernization, the inception of the Gross National Happiness concept, and ushering to the successful democracy are testimony of an able leadership of monarchs and incredible achievements to the small and landlocked nation.  

Though it is not fair to single out one from many important changes that monarchs have visions for the country is in creating another history by initiating democracy in the country when other countries struggling for it.  People refused to accept democracy from the throne and pleaded to Kings to still lead the nation than having a new system of democracy. With heavy heart, people had to finally listen to His Majesty the King and the Fourth Druk Gyalpo after Their Majesties assured that they will personally look into the new system and guide people.   

The 2008 Election was successful though the country backed with one of the lowest opposition seats in the world and the first government tenure completed under their slogan of  “Equity and Justice”. We are pretty happy that there were nothing major hiccups due to the guidance of His Majesty the King.

During the first government's tenure, people started feeling excitement when their MPs started to raise their concerns in the parliament august hall.  Back in the village, farmers started to feel the heat of development pace and the promises of their representatives came in the form of many developmental activities such as building farm roads.  

But to me, personally, I felt it was not all about the development dimension in democracy nonetheless politician play development card magic to woe voters.  At times, it was worrying that if we have all the money to rush haphazardly in building roads, city and infrastructure. Could not we do it at a gradual pace with proper planning so that resource does not go to waste later? Our Kings had been always putting efforts to maintain peace and stability and taking development to districts and villages with proportion to the country's exchequer. 

In the same way, democracy should assist in building profound root of peace at home with the viability of financial resource to carter the needs of present and future generation. If the sense of democracy is to peg with development, it shouldn't be at the cost of sustainability of the nation’s economy. And the first five years of democracy in Bhutan witnessed more centric to development activities. We are thankful to the first government for having substantially reduced poverty ratio and for the successful tenure with many achievement cards.

Now we are on the verge of the second election. The citizens must remind themselves about the mistakes they have made in the first elections so that we show maturity as we travel journey with the democracy system. People must remind political parties that they need to balance the development and other principles of democracy. We must understand that the Party should go beyond the politicking. The origin of unique cultural and simple societal approach must remain untouched by politics. The pristine environment shouldn’t be used at the cost of development. Political Parties must remind themselves that they are mandated to serve the people and country with rational policy and not with the politics. Everyone must go with a clear heart to serve for the welfare of the country.

(Views expressed are personal and doesn't reflect any individual or institution's stand including organization i work).

DPT candidate from my village

Here comes the Good Samaritan!

By Pema Denkar: The Journalist 

A typical walk through Norzin Lam for anybody is 10 minutes. Not so for Rinzin Jamtsho. For him, the walk turns into a series of greetings, catching up with almost everybody on the street. If he is not talking to someone, he is practically on one of his three phones, taking down and passing on messages. 
A slight man, rinzin Jamtsho, 34, loves to surround himself with both young and old people. His home is a rest house for most youth, who are looking for job opportunities and senior citizens as well. his home is always houseful. “I am always grateful to be privy to their stories which have somehow attributed to who I am,” said he with a smile.One wonders what drives Rinzin Jamtsho who with a never ending schedule of meetings and appointments remains and appears very composed. A zealot at social causes, his entire life has been a series of finding ways to help people. At college in St. Joseph’s College, Darjeeling, from where he has a BA (hons) in English, he has championed for clueless students seeking admissions. According to the rector of St. Joseph’s College, Father Walleghem, rinzin Jamtsho “made it his business to look after the admission of every Bhutanese student seeking admission in any of the colleges in Darjeeling, even after the admissions were over.”This trait of his was further honed while working for the Department of employment, where he personally offered his home and helped to better the lives of more than 200 youth. One such fellow is Kado from Dagana who came to Thimphu looking to find employment after disqualifying in Class X. With no relatives in Thimphu and unsure of his future, he met Rinzin Jamtsho at the employment office, who took him home. Another grateful person is Sonam Wangdi who lived at his home for three years. “his home was like a hotel and at any given time, there would be six to seven boys in the house,” says Sonam Wangdi, who added that Rinzin Jamtsho never differentiated between his own relatives and them. Both Kado and Sonam Wangdi are now gainfully employed.The causes Rinzin Jamtsho espouses vary in degree and nature. he has been advisor to many youth initiatives like happy Valley Cooperatives, Greener Way, Druk Clean Unit and Bhutan Youth Force Construction. To cite an example, on his own initiative, he has over the years facilitated the placement of more than 400 Bhutanese students in colleges and institutes. There are that many who have found jobs through his help. He initiated the Kengkhar Choedhe Zhabtog Tshogpa that brings the Kengkhar community together to conduct religious events, collect fund for sick members who travel to Thimphu, and make donations to Lhakhangs. Rinzin Jamtsho is the new Druk Phuensum Tshonga candidate for Kengkhar-Weringla. He will be taking over from MP Sonam Penjor who said that KengkharWeringla constituency had two people working for them for the last five years with rinzin Jamtsho’s active involvement.


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