Monday, April 1, 2013


Every Bhutanese must reflect and contemplate and segregate the difference between the two systems i.e. prior to and after 2008. The nation and its people are enjoying peace of sunshine under the lone and tireless efforts of our visionary monarchs who built the nation meticulously to what it is today. The successive monarchs' in bringing change to the system such abolishment of Serfdom, showing a way to modernization, the inception of the Gross National Happiness concept, and ushering to the successful democracy are testimony of an able leadership of monarchs and incredible achievements to the small and landlocked nation.  

Though it is not fair to single out one from many important changes that monarchs have visions for the country is in creating another history by initiating democracy in the country when other countries struggling for it.  People refused to accept democracy from the throne and pleaded to Kings to still lead the nation than having a new system of democracy. With heavy heart, people had to finally listen to His Majesty the King and the Fourth Druk Gyalpo after Their Majesties assured that they will personally look into the new system and guide people.   

The 2008 Election was successful though the country backed with one of the lowest opposition seats in the world and the first government tenure completed under their slogan of  “Equity and Justice”. We are pretty happy that there were nothing major hiccups due to the guidance of His Majesty the King.

During the first government's tenure, people started feeling excitement when their MPs started to raise their concerns in the parliament august hall.  Back in the village, farmers started to feel the heat of development pace and the promises of their representatives came in the form of many developmental activities such as building farm roads.  

But to me, personally, I felt it was not all about the development dimension in democracy nonetheless politician play development card magic to woe voters.  At times, it was worrying that if we have all the money to rush haphazardly in building roads, city and infrastructure. Could not we do it at a gradual pace with proper planning so that resource does not go to waste later? Our Kings had been always putting efforts to maintain peace and stability and taking development to districts and villages with proportion to the country's exchequer. 

In the same way, democracy should assist in building profound root of peace at home with the viability of financial resource to carter the needs of present and future generation. If the sense of democracy is to peg with development, it shouldn't be at the cost of sustainability of the nation’s economy. And the first five years of democracy in Bhutan witnessed more centric to development activities. We are thankful to the first government for having substantially reduced poverty ratio and for the successful tenure with many achievement cards.

Now we are on the verge of the second election. The citizens must remind themselves about the mistakes they have made in the first elections so that we show maturity as we travel journey with the democracy system. People must remind political parties that they need to balance the development and other principles of democracy. We must understand that the Party should go beyond the politicking. The origin of unique cultural and simple societal approach must remain untouched by politics. The pristine environment shouldn’t be used at the cost of development. Political Parties must remind themselves that they are mandated to serve the people and country with rational policy and not with the politics. Everyone must go with a clear heart to serve for the welfare of the country.

(Views expressed are personal and doesn't reflect any individual or institution's stand including organization i work).

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