Kengkhar – Weringla (9,547 eligible voters), Mongar

A word that describes you best?
If you lose this election, why would it be?
I think I have a fighting chance
I think I have a fighting chance
Do you own a plot in Gyalpoizhing or intend to buy one?
I am afraid I can’t stand the Giant African Land Snails
I am afraid I can’t stand the Giant African Land Snails
Why did you join politics, besides serving Tsa-wa-sum?
If how this country of ours will be, say a 100 years later, is to be determined more by political leaders than anybody else, then why not?
If how this country of ours will be, say a 100 years later, is to be determined more by political leaders than anybody else, then why not?
It’s not the voting that’s democracy, it’s the counting. Comment...
Every vote counts. I think we should stop complaining and start acting
Every vote counts. I think we should stop complaining and start acting
What do you think of common forum for election campaign, which some felt did not serve the purpose?
Common forum is good but then it has its limitations. It makes campaigning appear rigid and orchestrated without much room to get creative or take initiatives. Compulsory Dzongkha, rather than local dialects, is another drawback
Common forum is good but then it has its limitations. It makes campaigning appear rigid and orchestrated without much room to get creative or take initiatives. Compulsory Dzongkha, rather than local dialects, is another drawback
What comes first? Economic development or democracy?
Man’s quest for food and rights goes back eons. I don’t know which is first
Man’s quest for food and rights goes back eons. I don’t know which is first
What do you think of your opponent?
Watch him closely, he will do well. 2013 however is not his year (LoL)
Watch him closely, he will do well. 2013 however is not his year (LoL)
People named you as lyonchhung. Why?
No compliment is bigger or sweeter. Thank you
No compliment is bigger or sweeter. Thank you
Did you answer the questions we sent yourself or someone else did it for you?
Well, my younger brother did express his keen desire to answer on my behalf …
Well, my younger brother did express his keen desire to answer on my behalf …

A word that describes you best?
If you lose this election, why would it be?
Lack of advocacy among voters
Lack of advocacy among voters
Do you own a plot in Gyalpoizhing or intend to buy one?
I don’t own any. It should be those from Gyalpoizhing who should be given the priority to own one
I don’t own any. It should be those from Gyalpoizhing who should be given the priority to own one
Why did you join politics, besides serving Tsa-wa-sum?
To fill the generation gap. Youth involvement in politics is integral. We need a mix of views and interpretations
To fill the generation gap. Youth involvement in politics is integral. We need a mix of views and interpretations
It’s not the voting that’s democracy, it’s the counting. Comment…
To me, voting, thus being able to exercise one’s right, is above everything for a vibrant democracy
To me, voting, thus being able to exercise one’s right, is above everything for a vibrant democracy
What do you think of common forum for election campaign, which some felt did not serve the purpose?
It’s proven to be very helpful for new candidates like me. It offers a good platform for us to introduce ourselves and the party we represent
It’s proven to be very helpful for new candidates like me. It offers a good platform for us to introduce ourselves and the party we represent
What comes first? Economic development or democracy?
What do you think of your opponent?
Another person in service of the nation
Another person in service of the nation
Joining politics at such young age. What do you expect?
People have a choice
People have a choice
Did you answer the questions we sent yourself or someone else did it for you?
Source: retrieved on 18th June, Tuesday 2013Myself
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